Jerome Zanchius
Scroll down to listen to the free audio book The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination by Jerome Zanchius
"Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will" (Ephesians 1:5 ).
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will" (Ephesians 1:11).
"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified" (Romans 8:29-30).
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination was translated by Toplady at the age of nineteen and held from publication for some time. It was later requested by Dr. Gill that it be released to the public.
After good circulation in North America and overseas, "John Wesley attempted to circulate a few mutilated extracts from the book, signed with the initials of Toplady's name. This forgery of Mr. Wesley caused Toplady to issue another edition, and this is the edition that we have reprinted," notes Atherton in the introduction.
Furthermore, Atherton calls this "one of the best, if not the best book ever issued on Absolute Predestination." He also notes that "in our day so-called Protestants not only deny and reject these truths, but very zealously support the popish theory of free-will. There is one thing all history testifies to, namely, that what the world calls Calvinism is the only doctrine that produces civil and religious liberty, pure and undefiled religion, national independence and prosperity, whilst all other systems produce superstition, worldliness and national decay, only to end in lawlessness, Bolshevism and destruction. It is forgotten that only the pure truth of God can make a nation great or save a sinner. To our Triune Covenant Lord be all the praise and glory."
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The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (1 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (2 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (3 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (4 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (5 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (6 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (7 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (8 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (9 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination (10 of 10) by Jerome Zanchius (Free SWRB MP3 Audio Book)
Spurgeon's Sovereign Grace Sermons by Charles Spurgeon
"What predestination means, in its most elementary form, is that our final destination, heaven or hell, is decided by God... He chose some individuals to be saved unto everlasting blessedness in heaven and others He chose to pass over, to allow them to follow the consequences of their sins into eternal torment in hell."
- R.C. Sproul, Chosen By God, p. 22 (emphasis added).
"God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established."
- Westminster Confession of Faith, Of God's Eternal Decree, Chapter 3:1, 1647, Original Edition (emphases added).